Monday, December 16, 2013

Language and such...

Well, my brother and I are closing down my parent’s house and once that is done, I am going to live with my brother and his family.  Part of me feel sort of stymied by that fact that I have to be taken in by my brother.  Schooling is going so very slow, but I blame that on my stroke.  I think that is why I am moving.  I can get a job with my two year degree teaching English.  I think I would be good at it, teaching.  My father thought so too, so I am going to where I can put my knowledge to work.

The Japanese language.  That is another tough nut to crack.  I knew Chinese but that was one of the byproducts of my stroke, I have nearly forgotten it all due to it.  Japanese I was learning a bit too.  Sigh.  Well, they are similar enough so I am going to try to pick up Mandarin and Japanese, at least to speak.  I think I can do it.  Hell, my niece is learning how to speak Mandarin and she is so very good.   Come to think of it, I used to speak German too.  It was something that dad knew and I picked up that year I was in school in Germany.

Language is so very tough and what I mean by it is of course of nuances of language.  In Mandarin there is the four sounds that every particle makes.  In German all the words are either masculine, feminine or neutral, and there isnt that much reason why a word is either one.  For Japanese, there is hiragana, katakana and kanji, making for a crazy mess when is comes to writing, not to even mention the romanji.  I will just have to muddle through and pick up what I can of all three languages.

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