July 9th
I always feel more philosophical around this time that leads up to my birthday on the 10th. I always try to be philosophical but more so on my birthday. As I am getting older I am noticing that I am slowing down and such. A big part of it is because of my stroke that I had in '07. Hell, I can't run for more that twentyfive meters before my right leg starts to slow down. Heh, I almost killed myself when I get on the treadmill as my leg will get tired, even now after all this time.
I have got a doctors appointment today in a couple of hours. It has been about two years since my last appointment. This time I am a little afraid. Over the last year, I have had a pain in my chest about three or four times. It feels like a bloating in my chest. It is not a heart attack but I don't know what it is. A food allergy? Because if I eat a spoonful of peanut butter it seems to go away, or a good belch. The one thing I am afraid it is is what Dewayne had. Leukemia. It started with a pain in his chest too. But all my previous tests have come back clean, so I do not know what it could be.
Is that why I am not letting myself out there? Sick. Not finished with school? I dont know. I am still trying to figure that part out. I am getting to be 45 now and I don't have a wife, or a girlfriend. I have a sorta girlfriend that I am trying to get to go with me overseas. She wants to go to Japan and so do I, but I am going to Taiwan first. To visit family and it is a bit easier to get a job there. I will get experience in teaching there first. That and
+Rynyn ins't going to come right now. So I want to hold off on Japan for now. I want to go with her. I think I have mentioned that fortune-teller before and I hope that she was right, hehe. Oh joy! And I need to get a VISA or an
ARC for Taiwan.
I am thinking of going to get my degree online. To finish up my school. Now I just have to find a proper degree I can get online.
That takes me to something I have to do. I will need a place to stay for the month of August. My brother is moving out of his house at the end of this month to go overseas and that will leave me homeless for a month. Mike or John, since Mike has offered and John is living by himself. Maybe. I will have to ask them to find out for sure.
What else am I doing. Hmm... I have thought, well, many of them of late. I have remembered a story for a children's book that I would really like to write. I have thought of an idea for another book but that idea has been shot down because somebody else thought of the idea. Too bad too, because it was a million dollar idea. Oh wait, it is a million dollar idea! Maybe I could make it a bit different. Hmm.
July 9th, post-doctor visit
Well, I came back today
July 10th
Whew. I had a long day today, my birthday. Sorry about yesterday. I didn't finish yesterday. I got busy. My doctor's appointment went well. Got my meds done and had my bloodwork done this morning. I just had another pain. It was in my lower chest, I would guess over my stomach. Maybe the pain is more of my stomach than my chest. I will have to tell my doctor about it when I see her next week. Gah! I got too much sun today. Like I was telling Ryn today, I feel like a boiled lobster!
What else I want to do? Hmm. I want to write more. On this blog and the other one, my
gamer blog. I want to do a DnD 5e review and I am starting it already. I am also going to try to finish writing my game world stats and notes. And I need to write something for Ryn, but I will keep that under my hat for now. muahaha!
Sorry. I don't mean to sound so dramatic. I swear once my birthday is over, I will be back to normal. hehe. Gods damn. There was a lot more I was going to say, but I want to get this out while it is still my birthday.
Busy. Oh so busy!